Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Reading Fans Capture First Edition Copies

The long awaited book No Tattletales, by Betty B. Cantwell, has made its way into the hands of summer readers, just days before they have to return to the classroom.  "I can't wait to start reading this book!", twelve year old Sean says as he inspects the genuine autograph and personalized note behind the front cover of his copy of No Tattletales.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

No Tattletales - now in print

No Tattletales is now available at Barnes & Noble, Amazon , or your local bookseller in paperback and hardcover. 
Get your copy today!

Monday, June 14, 2010

No Tattletales - to be released!

Available this summer from, Barnes & Noble or

Fiction often begins with a thread of truth. So it is with No Tattletales, based on a real pioneer family, this book is embroidered with stitches of fiction. No Tattletales is sewn together as carefully as a patchwork quilt.

Nine-year-old Mary Jane cares for her two sisters after her mother’s death. A near-tragic event prompts their father to remarry. The stepmother, whose eyebrows remind the girls of a skunk, moves into the James’ home with her four unruly children, and conflicts arise. Mary Jane quietly endures a burdensome task of keeping the ‘no tattletales’ rule. She draws strength and courage from remembering her mother’s teachings. May the spirit of her endurance in facing the obstacles and challenges of her young years, inspire those who read her story.